templates/bundles/MLDevCatalogBundle/templates/default.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set _basket_storage = app.session.get('mldev-cart-storage', []) %}
  2. {% set _basket_amount = _basket_storage[product_item.id]|default(0) %}
  3. {% set product_name =  product_item.name|default(product.name) %}
  4. {% set default_image = product_item.getDefaultImage.uri|default() %}
  5. {% set default_image_id = product_item.getDefaultImage.id|default() %}
  6. {% if product_item.defaultImage %}
  7.     {% set image = asset(product_item.defaultImage.uri) %}
  8. {% elseif product_item.getAvailableImages()|length %}
  9.     {% set image = asset(product_item.defaultImage.uri) %}
  10. {% else %}
  11.     {% set image = asset('img/no_image.jpg') %}
  12. {% endif %}
  13. {% set product_id =  product_item.id %}
  14. {% set product_name =  product_item.name|default(product_item.product.name) %}
  15. {% set product_url = path('mldev-front-product-show', { 'id': product_item.id }) %}
  16. {% set product_price = product_item.price|number_format(0, '', ' ')  %}
  17. {% set product_price_old = product_item.priceOld|number_format(0, '', ' ')  %}
  18. {% set product_price_unit = '₽' %}
  19. {% set product_volume = product_item.volume %}
  20. {% set product_volume_unit = product_item.volumeUnit %}
  21. {% set product_info = {
  22.     id: product_id,
  23.     img: image,
  24.     imgAlt: product_name,
  25.     title: product_name,
  26.     cost: product_price,
  27.     costUnit: product_price_unit,
  28.     discount: product_price_old,
  29.     volume: product_volume,
  30.     volumeUnit: product_volume_unit,
  31.     link: product_url
  32. } %}
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  66. </div>
  67. {% include '@MLDevCatalog/templates/partials/breadcrumbs.html.twig' %}
  68. <div class="container site__product-container" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Product">
  69.     <div class="site__product" data-product-id="{{ product_id }}" data-product-info="{{ product_info|json_encode }}">
  70.         <div class="site__product-info">
  71.             <h1 class="site__product-title">
  72.                 <div class="site__product-marks">
  73.                     {% if product_item.isNew %}
  74.                         <div class="product-item__new">
  75.                             <img src="/img/icons/new.svg" alt="">
  76.                         </div>
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  80.                             <img src="/img/icons/sale.svg" alt="">
  81.                         </div>
  82.                     {% endif %}
  83.                 </div>
  84.                 <span itemprop="name">{{ product_name|raw }}</span>
  85.             </h1>
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  88.             {% endif %}
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  90.                 <a href="#reviews" class="site__product-rating">
  91.                     <svg><use xlink:href="/img/sprite_new.svg#star" /></svg>
  92.                     <div class="rating-points">
  93.                         {% if product.ratingScore and product.reviewsCount %}
  94.                             {{ product.ratingScore }} <span>/ {{ product.reviewsCount }} отзывов</span>
  95.                         {% elseif product.ratingScore %}
  96.                             {{ product.ratingScore }}
  97.                         {% elseif product.reviewsCount %}
  98.                             {{ product.reviewsCount }}
  99.                         {% endif %}
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  103.             <div class="site__product-description">
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  105.                     {{ product.annotation|raw }}
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  108.                     <div class="product-cart__header">
  109.                         <div class="product-cart__pirce">
  110.                             {% if product_item.price > 0 %}
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  112.                                 <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="RUB">
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  114.                                 {{ product_price }} <span class="product-page__cost-unit">₽</span>{# <span class="product-cart__volume">/ {{ product_volume }} {{ product_volume_unit }}</span> #}
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  124.                     </div>
  125.                     {% if product_item.amount > 0 %}
  126.                         <link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock">
  127.                         <div class="product-page__header-controls active-counter" data-product-counter data-product-id="{{ product_id }}">
  128.                             <div class="product-page__header-btns {% if _basket_amount > 0 %}withCounter{% endif %}">
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  133.                                                 -
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  136.                                         <div class="product-counter__info">
  137.                                             <span class="product-counter__num">{{ _basket_amount }}</span>
  138.                                         </div>
  139.                                         <button class="product-counter__control btn-control btn-control-plus-small" data-product-plus type="button">
  140.                                             <span class="btn-control__icon">
  141.                                                 +
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  144.                                         <input type="hidden" value="{{ _basket_amount }}" data-product-input />
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  147.                                 <button class="btn btn-action product-page__add-btn btn-action_leafe" type="button" data-product-send data-increase-amount>{% if _basket_amount > 0 %}перейти в корзину{% else %}добавить в корзину{% endif %}</button>
  148.                             </div>
  149.                         </div>
  150.                     {% else %}
  151.                         <link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/OutOfStock">
  152.                         <div class="btn btn-action product-page__add-btn product-page__add-btn-out-of-stock">скоро в продаже</div>
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  155.                         <div class="product-cart__block-heading">доставка</div>
  156.                         <div class="product-cart__block-description">
  157.                             <p>бесплатная доставка по&nbsp;всей&nbsp;России</p>
  158.                             <p>при&nbsp;заказе от&nbsp;7000&nbsp;рублей</p>
  159.                             {#бесплатная доставка при заказе<br>от 3000 рублей в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге,<br>от 6000 рублей в остальных городах России.#}
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  162.                     <div class="product-cart__block">
  163.                         <div class="product-cart__block-heading">варианты объема</div>
  164.                         <div class="product-cart__block-list">
  165.                             {% for variant in product.items|filter(v => v.isActive) %}
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  167.                             {% endfor %}
  168.                         </div>
  169.                     </div>
  170.                     {% if product_item.marketplaceLinkOzon or product_item.marketplaceLinkWildberries or product_item.marketplaceLinkYandexMarket  %}
  171.                         <div class="product-cart__block">
  172.                             <div class="product-cart__block-heading">где еще можно купить</div>
  173.                             <div class="product-cart__block-list">
  174.                                 {% if product_item.marketplaceLinkOzon %}
  175.                                     <a href="{{ product_item.marketplaceLinkOzon }}" target="_blank" class="item">ozon</a>
  176.                                 {% endif %}
  177.                                 {% if product_item.marketplaceLinkWildberries %}
  178.                                     <a href="{{ product_item.marketplaceLinkWildberries }}" target="_blank" class="item">wildberries</a>
  179.                                 {% endif %}
  180.                                 {% if product_item.marketplaceLinkYandexMarket %}
  181.                                     <a href="{{product_item.marketplaceLinkYandexMarket }}" target="_blank" class="item">яндекс.маркет</a>
  182.                                 {% endif %}
  183.                             </div>
  184.                         </div>
  185.                     {% endif %}
  186.                 </div>
  187.                 <div class="description-blocks">
  188.                     {% if product.skin|length %}
  189.                         <div class="item">
  190.                             <div class="item__heading">тип кожи</div>
  191.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.skin|join(', ')|lower}}</div>
  192.                         </div>
  193.                     {% endif %}
  194.                     {% if product.skinCondition|length %}
  195.                         <div class="item">
  196.                             <div class="item__heading">состояние кожи</div>
  197.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.skinCondition|join(', ')|lower }}</div>
  198.                         </div>
  199.                     {% endif %}
  200.                     {% if product.aroma|length %}
  201.                         <div class="item">
  202.                             <div class="item__heading">аромат</div>
  203.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.aroma|join(', ')|lower }}</div>
  204.                         </div>
  205.                     {% endif %}
  206.                     {% if product.effect|length %}
  207.                         <div class="item">
  208.                             <div class="item__heading">результат</div>
  209.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.effect|join(', ')|lower }}</div>
  210.                         </div>
  211.                     {% endif %}
  212.                     {% if product.hairState|length %}
  213.                         <div class="item">
  214.                             <div class="item__heading">состояние волос</div>
  215.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.hairState|join(', ')|lower }}</div>
  216.                         </div>
  217.                     {% endif %}
  218.                     {% if product.hairType|length %}
  219.                         <div class="item">
  220.                             <div class="item__heading">тип волос</div>
  221.                             <div class="item__text">{{ product.hairType|join(', ')|lower }}</div>
  222.                         </div>
  223.                     {% endif %}
  224.                 </div>
  225.             </div>
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  228.                     {{ mldev_catalog_widget(widget, { product: product, product_item: product_item }) }}
  229.                 {% endfor %}
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  231.         </div>
  232.         <div class="site__product-cart site__product-cart_desctop">
  233.             <div class="product-cart__heading">{{ product_name|raw }}</div>
  234.             <div class="product-cart__header">
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  236.                     {% if product_item.price > 0 %}
  237.                         {% if product_item.priceOld > 0 %}<span class="product-cart__pirce-old"><price>{{ product_price_old }}</price><s class="product-page__cost-unit"> ₽</s></span><span class="product-cart__volume"> / </span>{% endif %}
  238.                         {{ product_price }} <span class="product-page__cost-unit">₽</span>{# <span class="product-cart__volume">/ {{ product_volume }} {{ product_volume_unit }}</span> #}
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  257.                                         -
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  260.                                 <div class="product-counter__info">
  261.                                     <span class="product-counter__num">{{ _basket_amount }}</span>
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  265.                                         +
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  278.                 <div class="product-cart__block-heading">доставка</div>
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  280.                     <p>бесплатная доставка по&nbsp;всей&nbsp;России</p>
  281.                     <p>при&nbsp;заказе от&nbsp;7000&nbsp;рублей</p>
  282.                     {#бесплатная доставка при заказе<br>от 3000 рублей в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге,<br>от 6000 рублей в остальных городах России.#}
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  294.                 <div class="product-cart__block">
  295.                     <div class="product-cart__block-heading">где еще можно купить</div>
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  299.                         {% endif %}
  300.                         {% if product_item.marketplaceLinkWildberries %}
  301.                             <a href="{{ product_item.marketplaceLinkWildberries }}" target="_blank" class="item">wildberries</a>
  302.                         {% endif %}
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  304.                             <a href="{{product_item.marketplaceLinkYandexMarket }}" target="_blank" class="item">яндекс.маркет</a>
  305.                         {% endif %}
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  307.                 </div>
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  315.         {% endif %}
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